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Recreation Commission


Roger Cargill - Chairperson

Coe Emens - Vice-Chair

Mary Ruttan - Secretary

Trustee Patricia McNeilly

John Fischer




The Recreation Commission was re-established as part of the 5-Year Community Parks & Recreation Plan.  The Commission is responsible for the implementation of the 5-Year Community Park & Recreation Plan, focusing on funding strategies and community outreach.


The Township Parks and Recreation Goals and Objectives are:

  • Enhance and increase the quality of life

  • Provide a full range of recreation programs, recreation facilities, athletic fields, pathways, and trails

  • Strengthen community image and sense of place

  • Protect environmental resources

  • Provide superior and unique recreational activities and facilities for all

  • Foster social, intellectual, physical, and emotional development for children, youth and adults

  • Develop and expand the Non-Motorized system throughout the Township

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