Our Officials
Elected Officials
Supervisor: John Lazet (supervisor@vevaytownship.org)
Clerk: JoAnne Kean (clerk@vevaytownship.org)
Treasurer: Christopher Lewis (treasurer@vevaytownship.org)
Trustee: Patricia McNeilly (trustee1@vevaytownship.org)
Trustee: Richard Lacasse (trustee2@vevaytownship.org)
Appointed Officials
Assessor: Jeff MacKenzie (assessor@vevaytownship.org) Please note that the Assessor is in the office only during regular office hours on Tuesdays.
Assistant Assessor: Jill Schliep
Cemetery Sexton: John Lazet (cemeterysexton@vevaytownship.org)
Zoning & Building Inspector: Milan Rakich
Zoning Administrator: Aaron Barden
FOIA Coordinator: JoAnne Kean (foia@vevaytownship.org)
Deputy Clerk: Mary Ruttan (deputyclerk@vevaytownship.org)
Deputy Treasurer: Janice Smith (deputytreasurer@vevaytownship.org)
Project Manager: Natalia Catanzarite (projectmanager@vevaytownship.org)
Township Maintenance: Roger Shiery